Event Ticketing

Accept Payments in Crypto for Your Event Tickets

Enable crypto payments for your event tickets through no-code integrations with settlements in fiat.
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Why Choose BoomFi For Your Event Ticketing?

Ease of Implementation
Integrate crypto payments with just a few lines of code or opt for our no-code pay link solution.
Lower transaction fees
Keep more of your revenue by enjoying lower fees than traditional payment methods.
Settle in fiat or crypto
Settle payments instantly in Fiat (USD, EURO, GBP) or in your preferred Crypto.
Payment receipts
Automatically generate detailed receipts and get email updates about transactions.
Promotions and free trials
Implement promotional plans with discount codes, crypto-based incentives, and trial periods to attract attendees.
Checkout branding
Customize your event branding on the checkout page to enhance the attendee's experience.
Card payments
Accept card payments alongside crypto, by integrating with existing providers such as Stripe, Checkout, Shift4, and more.
Supports major blockchains
Boomfi supports Ethereum, Polygon, Arbitrum, Solana, Tron, BNB, and more chains coming soon.

Why Accept Crypto Payments For Your Event Tickets?

Reach global
Crypto simplifies accepting payments from 190+ countries without borders.
Lower fees
Crypto payments have lower fees compared to traditional payment methods.
Fast transactions
Speed is of the essence in event ticketing, and crypto payments ensure quick, hassle-free processing.
The blockchain technology underlying crypto offers strong security features, reducing the risk of fraud and chargebacks.
Crypto payments allow for more streamlined refunds and payouts, with the ability to automate these processes.
Unlock unique marketing and partnership opportunities, enabling promotions and partnerships with multiple businesses.
No-code solution for ticket sales
Sell tickets easily with our no-code payment link, integrating in minutes.
Setup paylinks
Developer-friendly API
Integrate our API for a seamless ticketing experience, with developer docs to guide you.
Read documentation
Our success stories

Switching to BoomFi helped our crypto payment process at Zealy. Before, we faced constant customer complaints and friction. With BoomFi, those issues are solved, bringing in happy customers and enabling smooth five-digit crypto transactions. It’s not just about reducing hassle; it has helped us attract crypto-preferred customers, contributing to our MRR growth.

Co-founder & CEO, Zealy

Using BoomFi's payment links for our legal and corporate service invoices at LegalBison has been very good. The platform's UX is top-notch, offering convenience for our clients. The positive feedback we've received from customers who have settled their invoices through BoomFi has been positive. Moreover, the swift and personal responses from the team have greatly enhanced our experience.

Co-Founder, LegalBison

BoomFi's recurring crypto payment feature is really as easy as card payment. Its simple integration, multi-chain support, and secure, flexible subscription plans have streamlined our payment collection, enabling us to focus on building Hopr. A vital tool for any Web3 SaaS builder.

Co-Founder, Hopr & RPCh

Integrate BoomFi today and Start accepting Crypto Payments for your Event Tickets

Frequently Asked Questions

Is BoomFi suitable for event ticketing platforms?
Absolutely, BoomFi is designed to cater to event ticketing platforms, offering a non-custodial payment gateway that allows for direct crypto payment transfer between attendees and event organizers.
Does BoomFi's checkout process accept card payments?
Yes, BoomFi's checkout currently supports card payment methods through integration with the existing providers such as Stripe, Checkout, Shift4, and more coming soon
How can I customize the ticket purchase experience with BoomFi?
BoomFi enables full customization of the checkout experience for ticket purchases, allowing event organizers to incorporate their branding including logo, color schemes and business name.
What are the fees associated with BoomFi?
For the most current information on our pricing, including crypto processing fees, swaps, and fiat off-ramping, please refer to our detailed pricing page here. We ensure transparent and up-to-date details to help you make informed decisions.
Can BoomFi convert crypto to fiat currency?
Absolutely, BoomFi offers crypto off-ramping services with a European VASP license, providing bank on/off-ramping using Virtual IBANs. Supports USD, EURO, and GBP with real-time exchange rates and no hidden fees.